In case you hadn't heard, the Super Multi Blue HD Player is LG's answer to detente in the next-gen DVD format war: playback capabilities for both formats bundled in a single player, the LG BH100 ($1,200 list)...Word was the player would hit Best Buy and Circuit City in early February, but it looks like a few are already trickling out into the channel. While we don't expect this to be a big seller at its lofty $1,200 price, it is nice to see it shipping.
Thanks to C|Net's blog Crave for the news.
LG's Press Release (1/7/07)
Update! I just got off the phone with Ed in A/V at my local CompUSA store here in San Antonio, TX and he said they have 4 in stock, 1 on display and they arrived at their store on Friday! Looks like I'll be paying them a visit to test out the new player for myself. I'll have a writeup and pictures soon.
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