Friday, October 20, 2006

IE7: Internet Explorer's Latest Edition

I have been using the beta for quite some time now, but have primarily used Firefox due to faster loading times on the browser itself and webpages. I work for a local WISP in an environment that's fast paced. I get a hundred or more calls on my cell every day from contractors to CEO's asking for information but not willing to wait a long time for it. That means I have to pull up numerous web pages containing a variety of information about our network and the company behind it w/in milliseconds.

I've always enjoyed using Firefox since it's inception, but let's face it there's still a number of websites out there (including many of Microsoft's own) that aren't formatted correctly for Firefox and don't display or work correctly with it. A lot of our company's own development projects and systems base their compatibility on Internet Explorer not Firefox (unless I make a fuss about it).

So, now that IE has made it's debut into Final Release I will attempt again to go "all-IE". In the coming days or weeks I'll report on how successful (or unsuccessful) I am at leaving the Firefox bandwagon. Please feel free to share your comments on IE7, good or bad, all are welcome.